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Photography by Dickie Ben


River Mersey - Kingfisher Encounter

16th October 2009. between princess parkway bridge and northenden, playing fields
kingfisher on large rocks at edge of river, casting shadow onto rocks behind
08:52:20 i'm looking for goosander on their winter arrival to this part of the river. on my approach, five fly off. i decide to sit on the bank of the river. when I look up, fifteen metres in front of me, on the opposite bank, is this female kingfisher.
kingfisher with slightly open beak
08:52:32 she knows I'm there and bobs her head up and down, opening her beak, but making no noise at all, probably protesting at my presence.
kingfisher looking up
08:53:25 The bottom part of the beak has some red, making this one a female. Male beaks are all black.
kingfisher lurching its whole body forward as it opens its beak
08:53:42 she hasn't moved off the same stone and is still 'shouting' at me.
kingfisher on next stone
08:54:18 she makes a move to the next stone.
kingfisher just after having launched off stone with wings stretched out and in flight
08:54:21 a short flight to the next group of stones.
kingfisher braking with wings out, legs out in front, about to land on new stone
kingfisher front view, beak slightly open
08:54:25 gesticulating.
kingfisher just about to land after a hop
08:54:38 hop again.
kingfisher showing orange-coloured breast nicely
08:54:39 she isn't fishing, just keeping her eye on me.
kingfisher just landing after another hope showing orange under-wing
kingfisher stationary, slightly angled away
kingfisher just after launch from stone, wings on down stroke
kingfisher, front view, looking down into river
08:55:06 looks like she is fishing now.
kingfisher side view
kingfisher in full flight
08:56:49 she finally flies off upstream, about one hundred metres away. end of a five minute encounter? six minutes later she comes back, and stays about a minute...
kingfisher in flight
09:03:59 ...then disappears off downstream.