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Photography by Dickie Ben


River Mersey - December 2010

Along the banks from Northenden to Chorlton
long-tailed tit, taken from below, just leaping off a branch
24.12.2010 - 09:08:25 - A mass of birds - Treecreeper, Blue, Great and here, Long-tailed Tit, launching off.
treecreeper lifting off
24.12.2010 - 09:09:27 - Treecreeper
carrion crow calling at the top of a tree
24.12.2010 - 09:31:14 - Carrion Crow
cormorant in flight, close up of head
24.12.2010 - 09:51:49 - Cormorant
grey wagtail with insect in mouth, snow is around
08.12.2010 - 14:35:39 - Grey Wagtail - So that's what they eat! Banks of the river are covered in snow and it's still very cold, with minus ten degrees at night, and around minus five during the day.