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Photography by Dickie Ben


Moore Nature Reserve

Wednesday, 30th June 2010
Oystercatcher - 14:24:10, 30.06.2010
Oystercatcher - 14:24:10, 30.06.2010
One of two very close to the west hide on Birchwood Pool. Likely the same that have been around for a few months now. Chicks maybe about.
Monday, 21st June 2010
Seagull and Mallard - 15:16:41, 21.06.2010
Seagull and Mallard - 15:16:41, 21.06.2010
Innocently coming too close to Mallard chicks, Seagull takes a hard battering from Mother Mallard. I felt sorry for Mr Gull.
Seagull and Mallard - 15:16:54, 21.06.2010
Seagull and Mallard - 15:16:54, 21.06.2010
Seagull sqwaking loudly in protest.
Canada Goose - 15:43:20, 21.06.2010
Canada Goose - 15:43:20, 21.06.2010
Having no flight feathers, these guys stay cool by skimming across the water, splashing themselves along the way.
Canada Goose - 15:46:58, 21.06.2010
Canada Goose - 15:46:58, 21.06.2010
Alternatively, they roll themselves upside down to cool off.
Grey Heron - 15:58:58, 21.06.2010
Grey Heron - 15:58:58, 21.06.2010
Panting to cool down.
Wednesday, 16th June 2010
Little Grebe - 17:25:06, 16.06.2010
Little Grebe - 17:25:06, 16.06.2010
Friday, 16th April 2010
Oystercatcher, mating - 18:24:04, 16.04.2010
Oystercatcher, mating - 18:24:04, 16.04.2010
These two appear from nowhere on the Birchwood Pool, and almost immediately begin to mate. This lasts about five seconds.
Oystercatcher, calling - 18:29:29, 16.04.2010
Oystercatcher, calling - 18:29:29, 16.04.2010
After mating, for ten minutes the same bird calls out every minute or so, a little distressed at the general movement of gulls. The couple fly away, spooked when all the gulls lift.
Thursday, 4th March 2010
Curlew - 16:31:26, 04.03.2010
Curlew - 16:31:26, 04.03.2010
I think in the afternoon Curlew gather in the area of Upper Moss Side. I can't see them but can hear them constantly. They occasionally fly over.