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Photography by Dickie Ben


Starling, Murmuration at Moore Nature Reserve

31st October 2011 - Morning - Eastern Reed Bed, Moore Nature Reserve
08:06 - ten minutes or so after sunrise, mass exodus of all starlings, having roosted overnight on the Eastern Reed Bed, all leaving in the same direction, to the west.
part of flock of starlings leaving
close up of flock leaving
close up of flock, blurry showing motion of birds
08:10 - Sparrowhawk is slow and unsuccessful in capturing a meal.
sparrowhawk static on cut back reed bed island

31st October 2011 - Afternoon - Eastern Reed Bed, Moore Nature Reserve
16:16 - thirty minutes before sunset, and various groups of starlings start coming in from different directions, gathering on the pylons near the Eastern Reed Bed.
murmuration of starlings rear view of flock going in one direction
16:28 - starlings are now diving down into the reeds in dribs and drabs, to roost for the night
starlings start to dive into reeds
close up
closer still

1st November 2011 - Eastern Reed Bed, Moore Nature Reserve
16:37 - weather conditions better tonight so starlings display for longer than last night.
murmuration of starlings, two groups going in different directions
mass of starlings dive into reed bed
16:39 - Stragglers continue to come in for ten to fifteen minutes after the murmuration of starlings roost, most coming from the west.
darkening sky with flock of late-coming starlings approaching area