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Photography by Dickie Ben


Moore Nature Reserve - May 2010

Sunday, 23 May 2010
close up mallard juvenile, still fluffy back
18:09 - Mallard Chicks are below the hide, quite grown up now, and enjoy hob nob and bread handouts....
buzzard gliding coming towards
19:23 - Buzzards are hovering just above the tree tops....
fox comes out of a field of long grass
20:36 - A Fox appears out of the long grass, at the edge of a field, across our track and into the next field....
fox runs across tarmac path diving into edge of hedgerow
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
swan shakes body extending neck towards grebe nest as first great crested grebe on nest and other grebe in front of nest ready to protect
09:43 - A Swan is being mischievous, pretending to preen but moving closer and closer to the Great Crested Grebe nest....
blue tit comes out of a hollow of a tree
10:19 - Blue Tit....
blue tit taking flight as it exits hollow of tree
10:24 - Blue Tit....
side view of rabbit, ears pricked
18:34 - Rabbit...
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
male and female mallard, feathers ruffled
14:57 - A pair of Mallard performing preening, ruffling and flapping. The female is a gorgeous sandy colour....
female mallard, full flapping of wings, rear view
carrion crow in water, drenched, washing
16:51 - A Carrion Crow takes a wash....
side view herring gull in flight
16:55 - Herring Gull in flight...
one adult coot on nest by boulder, other feeding its tiny chick, which is sat near nest
18:16 - This Coot family is looking good despite the nest being on an island heavily visited by seagulls, crows and magpies. The Coots really protect their eggs well for three weeks and now look out for their chicks....
male tufted duck sat on top, his tuft erect, female sinking in water, top of head just above water level
18:19 - Tufted Duck mating discreetly at the side of the Birchwood Pool and then indiscreetly, female then male, flap their wings....
tufted duck, full flap of wings
magpie just taken off, in flight, as in flight oystercatcher chases
18:54 - A Magpie is sent on its way when it gets too close to this Oystercatcher....
stationary hare in field
19:47 - Here Hare here. Freezes for a minute on approach, its friend having already bolted....
hare on move, mid-step, on front legs, hind legs parallel, in air
19:48 - It decides time to go....
hare, mid-gallop, all legs off ground, almost joined together
hare on move, in golden light
whitethroat on hawthorn bush, rear view with head turned towards us
20:00 - Whitethroat....
male reed bunting, long distance shot in bush
20:06 - Male Reed Bunting....