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Photography by Dickie Ben


Leighton Moss - May 2010

Satruday, 22 May 2010
red deer from a distance, aware of us
05:13 On the way to Lower Hide, we spot Red Deer...
mallard in long grass, necked extended, looking anxious
05:58 In Lower Hide. Mummy Mallard comes through the grass with many chicks, leading them to the water. Takes a minute or two to realise she has left one behind in the grass. She comes back and is calling here. Chick rejoins party...
swan flapping wings
06:29 A Swan Couple. Both flap their wings. One moves to the bank of the lake for full preening. The other follows five minutes later...
full frame of mute swan
swan on land in grass
2nd swan swimming towards bank
06:43 Second Mute Swan follows first to bank for full preening...
2nd mute swan coming close to grass bank
second swan joins the first on the grassy bank
second swan, extends its neck skywards
06:44 A hello to its mate? ...
back view of swan
from behind, one swan shaking head, whilst the other preens
little egret mid-hop, floating above mirror-like water
08:45 Allen hide. Water is still so the Little Egret can see distant fish. With a hop, the bird catches its prey with great efficiency...
group of fifty black-tailed godwit, on or close to a small island
08:52 Black-tailed Godwit calmly occupy a small island. Along comes an Oyster Catcher, gets hold of a Godwit's tail and only once the complete Godwit flock has lifted, does the Oystercatcher let go...
oyster catcher's beak holding onto godwit, others around, start to take off
all godwits become airbourne, including the victim
redshank on a wooden post with beak slightly open, calling
09:33 Redshank. Happy, perched and vocal...