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Photography by Dickie Ben


Dickie Ben Blog 2011

Leighton Moss

Friday 22 April, 2011
06:35 Parent Greylag alert guiding its young onto land, and alert it needs to be with the Marsh Harrier constantly on the hunt around this area...
greylag adult with neck extended up and alert
06:57 Greylag chick, blending in...
greylag chick in long grass
07:04 Greylag parent and chick, plenty of flies skimming the surface, which the chick will feed on...
parent and chick back on the water
08:14 A mating pair of Oystercatchers, dominating a small island...
oystercatchers mating
08:21 Shelduck standing its ground but is seen off in the end...
oystercatcher trying to see off shelduck on former's island
09:36 A Black-headed Gull colony, and a highly sought after perching post...
black-headed gull stood on a wooden post ducking as another black-headed gull dive bombs the former

Moore Nature Reserve

Wednesday 20 April, 2011
06:30 Looking onto the Eastern Reed Bed...
eastern reed bed
06:35 Canada Geese on bank between Lagoon Pool & Eastern Reed Bed...
canada geese on bank between Lagoon Pool & Eastern Reed Bed
07:40 Grey Heron skirting the edges of the Eastern Reed Bed...
Grey Heron skirting the edges of the Eastern Reed Bed
11:07 Coot on Lapwing Pool...
Coot on Lapwing Pool